Short description/statement.
Short description/statement.
Opening Weekend Member/Guest Dove Hunt
Access to a dove hunting area has been a “wish” for many chapter members over the years and several years ago, our chapter made the decision to sponsor a dove field for chapter members. For the first dove hunts, our chapter was the guest of Chapter Member Rick Davis’s White Oak Elk Ranch until he sold his farm.
As those hunts had been so popular with our members, our chapter then voted to lease a dove hunting area at the Jefferson Proving Grounds in Indiana but there was much work to be done to get the grounds ready and chapter members/volunteers Mike Maddox and Jim Warren stepped up to the plate doing everything from preparing the ground and planting to tending and preparing it for the hunt as well as working the event! From opening day through September, this has become a wonderful event as is evidenced by the camaraderie displayed during the event and the lasting friendships created once dove season is over. If you would like to volunteer or join us for a hunt, please let Mike know.
New Blood Whoops Old Guard In KYSCI Dove Warm-Up
Sixteen shooters – four teams of four – had a blast during the Kentuckiana SCI Chapter’s Inaugural Dove Warm-Up at the sporting clays course at The Farm in New Albany, Indiana, Saturday August 9.
What ensued may well be a sneak-peek of our Chapter’s future. “Top Team”, headed up by new KYSCI Director Hunter Rowe, included Rick Elsby, Nate Leslie and Spencer Swift. Of special note: they defeated some of the Chapter’s long-term top-gunners including renowned clay-busters Mike Maddox and Ivan Schell. Rowe also won the “Top-Gun” award for the event.
When presented with the “Top-Gun” award, Rowe said: “I didn’t know we were competing. If I did, I would have really bore down.” His team responded by heckling him! All shooters continued the comradery by enjoying lunch at The Exchange in New Albany after the shoot.
Special thanks to Chapter Director Ivan Schell for organizing the shoot. Our Chapter will host membership events throughout the 2022-23 season. All events are open to members and their guests.