Short description/statement.
Short description/statement.
Kentucky Department of
Fish and Wildlife Resources Personel
Annually KYSCI & Shikar Safari
Honor KDFWR Officers of the Year
(Dates to Be Announced)
12:00 Noon
Audubon Country Club
For Reservations Contact
Larry Richards
(502) 727-7700
Each year, KYSCI hosts the Shikar-Safari Club International awards ceremony to honor the KDFWR "Wildlife Conservation Officer of the Year." Award winners are selected based on a variety of factors, including job knowledge, skills and judgment; dedication and professionalism in investigation and follow-through on cases; and cooperation with other officers, agencies and constituency groups. The vetting process to receive this award is quite lengthy and difficult with one officer from each of the nine districts being nominated by his/her peers. A panel of the Captains from each District selects one of the nine and then the Director of the Department verifies a winner.